Anamatic Review
We have now uploaded our animatic for the first minute of our video "On love, In sadness" by Jason Mraz.
We then analysed 'Wonderwall' by Oasis to see how many cuts and shots are in a professional final music video. In the Oasis video in the first 55 seconds (the same length as our anamatic).
16 individual shots
26 cuts
When we first watched our animatic back we realised it doesn't look like a proper music video. It doesn't seem as if there is enough happening but now we have done some research we have found that all we have to do is add more cuts and a few more shots.
Our original anamatic had 10 shots and 10 cuts, no reusing any shots.
To rectify this we have re-edited our anamatic with a few more visual effects and repeated shots, just like how in our video we will be re-using angles in different parts of the song, just like a professional video would.
To film this we may record the ENTIRE song for a majority of our shots, so we have complete freedom for editing, this may cause problems; however, as we may have TOO much and difficulty editing to a concise and concentrated piece.
Here is our revised anamatic.
Shots 10
Cuts 14
While 4 extra cuts may not seem like a lot, the pacing of the anamatic is remarkably better and the production feels much higher quality.
Now we have re-edited and with the use of motion and more cuts and repeated shots we have made a more dynamic anamatic which can better reflect what we wish to accomplish with our final piece.
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